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Chain Reaction

Campbell Downie

Campbell Downie

April 24, 1998, 7:07 a.m. (Message 11774)

CHAIN REACTION   					32 bar strathspey for 4 couples     	 


 1  -   8	All set, 1C/2C and 3C/4C taking hands, 1C/2C, 3C/4C circle left,
2C/4C 		cross giving right hands

 9  - 16	1C/2C, 3C/4C dance ladies chain

17  - 24	2C/3C dance lefthanded ladies chain

25  - 32	1C/3C cross giving right hands, 1C cast to bottom, 2C/3C4C
stepping up, all 		cross to own side giving right hands

This dance is copyright © Campbell Downie 1988
You are free to copy it for any purpose connected with Scottish Country
dancing on the condition that you include a statement that the dance was
devised by Campbell Downie of the Pietermaritzburg Branch of the RCDS in 1998
Alan Paterson

Alan Paterson

April 24, 1998, 11:52 a.m. (Message 11779, in reply to message 11774)

Campbell Downie wrote:

> Alan Paterson's database will soon have 9000 dances on it.

With the addition of Chain Reaction, now 8,717 :-]


Alan Paterson
Berne, Switzerland


April 26, 1998, 9:32 p.m. (Message 11813, in reply to message 11774)

Campbell Downie wrote:

>... the future of
>publication of SCD dances lay in the Internet, and probably more
>particularly in the Strathspey mailing list.

Yes indeed, it seems to be the obvious way of doing things -- except that:

We mailers are a pretty small proportion of the dancers world-wide (but
perhaps our numbers will grow).

There seem to be two opposing views about using the list to publicize new

When I sent a set of instructions to the list 3 months ago, reactions fell
into three categories:
"that sounds like an interesting dance -- we'll try it/have tried it";
"not bad, but it would be better if ...";
"what's this idiot telling us about his insomnia for?"

Perhaps in order not to bore those in the last group, it would be a good
idea to create another mailing list (shall we call it "rant"?) to promote
discussion about  new dances and figures, how they could be made more
interesting/ more suitable to the Scottish tradition, about the reactions
of members of classes/clubs where the dances were tried out, about why the
new dance was liked/not liked, about what difficulties cropped up in the

>   Perhaps if more dances are
>contributed in the future then we shall get more discussion about Scottish
>dancing rather than some of the rather curious sublects that have appeared

Personally, I hope we continue to get both on the same list.

  Grenoble, France.
John Chambers

John Chambers

April 27, 1998, 6:28 a.m. (Message 11820, in reply to message 11774)

| When I sent a set of instructions to the list 3 months ago, reactions fell
| into three categories:
| "that sounds like an interesting dance -- we'll try it/have tried it";
| "not bad, but it would be better if ...";
| "what's this idiot telling us about his insomnia for?"
| Perhaps in order not to bore those in the last group, it would be a good
| idea to create another mailing list (shall we call it "rant"?) to promote
| discussion about  new dances and figures, how they could be made more
| interesting/ more suitable to the Scottish tradition, about the reactions
| of members of classes/clubs where the dances were tried out, about why the
| new dance was liked/not liked, about what difficulties cropped up in the
| teaching.

Hmmm ... I was under the impression that this was what the strathspey
list was for.  Was I wrong?


April 28, 1998, 1 a.m. (Message 11829, in reply to message 11774)

Martin Sheffield wrote:

> When I sent a set of instructions to the list 3 months ago, reactions fell
> into three categories:
> "that sounds like an interesting dance -- we'll try it/have tried it";
> "not bad, but it would be better if ...";
> "what's this idiot telling us about his insomnia for?"
> Perhaps in order not to bore those in the last group, it would be a good
> idea to create another mailing list (shall we call it "rant"?) to promote
> discussion about  new dances and figures .....
> ....
> Personally, I hope we continue to get both on the same list.

Please let us keep this one *strathspey* list, and the pleasure of
e-meeting so many other SCD colleagues world-wide in one single site.  Any
list will always have topics of lesser interest (and some idle chatter). 
I just throw away what I don't want.  A second mailing list (which I would
also join) would cause duplication, make communication more confused and
probably increase the total amount of boring stuff.


|Eric T. Ferguson, van Dormaalstraat 15, 5624 KH  EINDHOVEN, Netherlands|
|e-mail: x.xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xx. phone:+31-40-2432878; fax:+31-40-2467036|

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