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ADMINISTRIVIA: Weird my.strathspey accounts

Anselm Lingnau

Anselm Lingnau

June 27, 2011, 7:52 p.m. (Message 61061)

IMPORTANT: I recently reviewed the user database for the Strathspey system, 
and there is a weird multitude of accounts, with very long (mostly) Google 
Mail addresses, whose first and last names are identical nonsense words. I 
strongly suspect that these have been registered by clever people with a view 
to submitting comment spam (of which rather a lot seems to be reaching me 
these days via the database comment system). This of course is an exercise in 
futility since there is no place on Strathspey, for the time being, where one 
might actually submit comments that other people (or, more importantly, 
Google's spider) could see.

Listen up, people: If you have registered an account where the first and last 
names are identical, you have three days (i.e., until Thursday) to convince me 
that you're a real person (for all I know your real name might be »Humbert 
Humbert«, although the accounts in the database refer to monikers such as 
»Himibliseem Himibliseem«, which strangely enough doesn't seem to go that well 
with a .pl e-mail address). Otherwise your account will be summarily REMOVED.

Anselm Lingnau, Mainz/Mayence, Germany .................
Remember to never split an infinitive. The passive voice should never be used.
Do not put statements in the negative form. Proofread carefully to see if you
words out. And don't start a sentence with a conjunction.    -- William Safire
Pia Walker

Pia Walker

June 27, 2011, 8:58 p.m. (Message 61062, in reply to message 61061)

Why wait till Thursday?  Go for it Anselm - fight back against the evil spammers 

Anselm Lingnau

Anselm Lingnau

July 9, 2011, 2:31 p.m. (Message 61085, in reply to message 61061)

I wrote:

> Otherwise your account will be summarily REMOVED.

I just deleted 107 user accounts with funny-looking user names that were equal 
to the account's first and last names. Any users who are really called 
»BlupleCoxCola BlupleCoxCola« or »firmeluminoaseat firmeluminoaseat« will have 
to register new accounts. This means that, with 411 registered users remaining 
on my.strathspey, Mark Zuckerberg isn't cowering in fear so far but who knows. 
It's not as if, compared to Facebook, my.strathspey had a lot to offer right 
now, and for that, 411 users isn't *that* bad. What are 6 orders of magnitude 
among friends? ;^)

Anselm Lingnau, Mainz/Mayence, Germany .................
Although golf was originally restricted to wealthy, overweight Protestants,
today it's open to anybody who owns hideous clothing.            -- Dave Barry
Bruce Herbold

Bruce Herbold

July 9, 2011, 6:14 p.m. (Message 61087, in reply to message 61085)

that's 411 appreciative users.

thanks, again, Anselm

Bruce Herbold
San Francisco
Pia Walker

Pia Walker

July 12, 2011, 3:15 p.m. (Message 61108, in reply to message 61061)

Hear Hear


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