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Wilson can seriously impair time-management!



Jan. 28, 2005, 12:53 p.m. (Message 40453)

Jim is certainly right about the dangers of opening Wilson's book - or 
Playfair's, for that matter.  I *just had a quick look* yesterday morning 
and got drawn into a fascinating world (and that was before I even started 
looking into some of the 19th century American books of etiquette..... ). 
Result: a very, very late lunch.


D N R J Bowd-Exworth
80, Lantern Close, Berkeley, Gloucestershire  GL13  9DE
Tel: +44 (0)1453 819011
Norma or Mike Briggs

Norma or Mike Briggs

Jan. 28, 2005, 1:28 p.m. (Message 40454, in reply to message 40453)

Playford, actually (that's not cricket, although Playfair is). ;-)

    Norma Briggs                 Voice 608 835 0914
    Michael J Briggs               Fax 608 835 0924
                     BRIGGS LAW OFFICE
    1519 Storytown Road  Oregon WI  53575-2521  USA


Jan. 28, 2005, 6:35 p.m. (Message 40460, in reply to message 40454)

ooops, sorry Mike, quite right!  I was confusing Scottish dancing with 
Scottish architecture :-(


D N R J Bowd-Exworth
80, Lantern Close, Berkeley, Gloucestershire  GL13  9DE
Tel: +44 (0)1453 819011

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