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The Patron Saint

David Grubb

David Grubb

March 11, 1998, 7:19 p.m. (Message 11233)

Could you help me with "The Patron Saint", a Drewry dance? 
I was taught it at a workshop a while back, and
my back-of-the envelope (literally) notes do not seem as 
sufficient now as they seemed then.
i)  where is it published?
and for speedy relief
ii) what is the figure for the first 8 bars?
my notes say 
	1s &4s dance in, woman turns, chase, cast to 2nd & 3rd place
but a straightforward interpretation of that does not fill 8 bars.	
David Grubb
Ithaca NY
Shirley Lanktree

Shirley Lanktree

March 12, 1998, 3:11 a.m. (Message 11234, in reply to message 11233)

David   We have the dance Patron Saint.  It is written by John Drewry and
is in the Bankhead 6 collection, priced at $7.00 CAD plus postage.  In the
first eight bars  (after the 3 & 4 C have crossed  to opposite sides) lst
woman and likewise 4th woman cast one place.  They are followed by their
partner, lst woman finishes in 2nd man's place, 4th womam om 3rd woman's
place.  1st and 4th couples dance left hands across and retaining left
hands join right hands with their "corners" for balance in line.   Let us
know if we can send you the book.  We would include an invoice converted
to US funds and you can send us your personal cheque.    Shirley Lanktree 

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