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Pia Walker

Pia Walker

RE: No more sword dances?

June 3, 2008, 2:41 p.m. (Message 52640, in reply to message 52637)

And of course there are bus queues and ladies with umbrellas!!!! - I would
say ban the umbrella before the broad sword!!!! - Stiletto heels -
definitely a dangerous weapon on the right / wrong foot.    Not to speak of
backpacks and shoulder bags - now there's offensive weapons if you have ever
sat in a train or a bus being assaulted when people move down the aisle.   I
do want to keep my handbag though - I need some kind of defence.

We have a lovely expression in Denmark - to shoot sparrows with canons :>)
Do not pass these ideas on to the politicians in questions - they may just
think they are good ideas :>)

Seriously the problem is not the weapons in question, but that we are
bringing up a whole generation of people who have never know the kindness of
a loving touch - 20 years ago we started with wearing rubber gloves to deal
with children who hurt them selves - just in case they were infectious (thus
telling them that kids really are untouchables) - then nobody was allowed to
deal with children on a one-to-one basis in or out of schools - just in case
you were accused of something, (the child is a dangerous thing that cannot
be trusted).   We have stopped talking and remonstrating with children,
because we could be said to attack them - or they may attach us.  (So
whatever the kids do is ok - there's no one stopping them doing something
bad).   And we cannot bend down a hug a hurting child, just in case we are
accused of something (we are telling the child that we don't care about
them). The result is that we have a generation of children, who cannot
interact in a normal way with others - for whom kindness from strangers have
never been experienced - they only get attention when they are really bad -
so therefore.....

Oops another hobby horse - Don't get me started of the over protection of
children .....

The pen is mightier than the sword!!!!

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