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Anselm Lingnau

Anselm Lingnau

Re: No more sword dances?

June 3, 2008, 9:48 a.m. (Message 52630, in reply to message 52629)

Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

> The proposed ban has exemptions under two categories:
> appear under either category. The petition isn't to block the bill but to
> add dance to the existing list of exemptions.

Makes sense to me (»If you can't beat 'em, join 'em«). Somebody should show 
the MPs a video of a bunch of little girls doing the Ghillie Callum at the 
highland games. If that isn't »health/fitness/sport« then what is? -- and 
crime statistics ought to show that they're unlikely to go off with their 
swords afterwards and hold up a candy shop.

I still think they should also ban kitchen knives. There must be at least a 
hundred kitchen knife assaults to every sword assault in the UK -- for the 
last century or so --, so if they're really serious about violent crime that 
should make a much bigger difference.

Anselm Lingnau, Friedberg, Germany .....................
This young lady has delusions of adequacy.
                             -- From a British military officer fitness report

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