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Re: Pilling diagrams

Dec. 4, 2006, 2:56 p.m. (Message 47277, in reply to message 47259)

Something further down the thread bothered me until I just realized 
what it was. One reason I never had a problem with pillings is that I 
did not teach from the top of the room. I magine a long rectangle with 
the "music" both piano and record player at the top of the room, in the 
corner. This meant that the piano was at the top on the women´s side 
where I never had to go, but could keep eye contact with the pianist 
from the top of the man´s side where the record player was located. So 
my view of the nearest set was always the same as my view of the 
Pilling´s cue.

Note, many of the early RSCDS diagrams of figures are not with the top 
at the top of the page, but to the reader´s left. I have never seen any 
from the women´s side, nor from the top of the set looking down.

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