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Andrea Re

Andrea Re

Re: Pilling diagrams

Dec. 4, 2006, 12:38 p.m. (Message 47264, in reply to message 47259)

Martin Sheffield ha scritto:
> 2: by providing more floor patterns and less symbols (that ridiculous
> cast-off sign which looks like a floor pattern but is not, and needs
> some careful interpreting!)
After years of being unable to remember which symbol meant cast and 
which meant dance/lead, quite recently it dawned on me that those 
symbols are drawn from the lady's point of view. So if you look at the 
diagram, the lady is casting behind her line and if she is 
dancing/leading up/down she dances towards the the middle. As I said for 
years I had to refer to the table at the beginning of the green book to 
see what was what, but now I don't need it any more :-D .

Andrea (fae Dundee)

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