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Flying Scotsman Variations (was: Wedding Dance Help)

Anselm Lingnau

Anselm Lingnau

April 27, 1998, 3:21 p.m. (Message 11823)

Bryan McAlister <xxxxx@xxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx> writes:

> Variation - set up two sets in line and have them dance contra motion,
> thus when they dance down, one side hase to form an arch or tunnel and
> the other shunts into it and out again.

Over here this is usually done with two sets in a row (at the occasions
where we do the dance we don't usually have room for more). The first
set slips down and the other slips up. You have to agree on which set
goes on the inside to avoid the Mother Of All Collisions.

I am in two minds about this variation. Of course it adds a bit of
interest to the dance -- on the other hand, given that the dance, on
account of its being so simple, is very frequently done with people who
have little or no SCD experience and who, er, sometimes don't know how
to keep their feet to themselves, there is a considerable danger of
injury. My SO makes the point of never dancing the FS in such a context,
since for her the risk of getting badly kicked on the first night of a
workshop and thus having to watch the rest of the week-end from the side
of the hall outweighs the fun and social spirit of joining in the
dancing. Personally, I don't quite subscribe to this but I can see her

Anselm Lingnau .........................
Claiming that sex education leads to irresponsible sex is like claiming that
driver education leads to car accidents.                        --- Laurie Mann

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