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Anselm Lingnau

Anselm Lingnau

Re: re Open Meeting in Edinburgh!Q!

April 24, 2013, 10:33 a.m. (Message 63998, in reply to message 63997)

Pia wrote:

> You would be surprised, Anselm. I encounter many who see it as a mission to
> teach the poor "ignorant" how to dance properly.

I've been told off by people who thought that as a German I ought to do German 
folk dances and leave Scottish country dancing to the Scots. Unfortunately 
that was back when I was young and easily impressed and unable to reduce them 
to a small heap of smoking ashes like I would today ;^)

There are ignorant bigots everywhere. However, as far as I can tell they do 
not speak for the Society or the SCD community at large – and for d#$% sure 
they do not speak for me.

Anselm Lingnau, Mainz/Mayence, Germany .................
I think this is what happens when you make a bunch of cult shows that get
canceled before they should, and then karma repays you generously.
               -- Jamie Frevele, on Joss Whedon's epic deal with Marvel Comics

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