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Re[2]: Riverdance on PBS

Jan. 21, 1997, 5:07 p.m. (Message 6308, in reply to message 6272)

Courtney wrote >>I was glad to see they cut out the tap dance 
     section... whether in order to make the show more brief or out of good 
     taste, I can't decide. ;-)  <<
     Hmmm, even *with* that little smiley face, Courtney, you're on the 
     edge here! [;-), yourself!]  I had the good luck to travel to London 
     on business last fall, and the better luck to see the show while I was 
     there (the resultant bliss even made me forget British Airways' 
     determined attempts to lose my luggage).  I thought the tap routines 
     were fantastic, although, to be fair, the tap dancers in the show are 
     different from those on the video, and IMHO, better.  That old 
     vaudeville-style trick of a running start up the wall ending in a 
     backflip just hasn't lost its charm for me, anyway!
     Jennifer Sawin (wondering why on earth anyone would want to make 
     Riverdance more brief??)

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