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Pia Walker

Pia Walker

RE: "That hardest of contact sports, Scottish country dancing!"

July 1, 2006, 9:59 p.m. (Message 45708, in reply to message 45707)

You mean you have never met the 'iron-grip' dancer - who holds on to your
hand when turning as if it is a life-raft - and make you wish that your hand
was screwed on instead of a living thing?

or the 'one-step-back' dancer who feels that in order to get to the other
side of his own set, he must first step back into the set behind him and
start from your achilles-tendant?

or the 'rib-tickler' who can only start by flapping arms about - usually
into your sides, when you least expect it.

You are lucky

Pia :>)

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