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alan twhigg

alan twhigg

Re[2]: Encores

March 16, 1995, 9:43 p.m. (Message 1330, in reply to message 1319)

Here in the San Francisco Branch we tend towards the high end in the number of 
encores during an evening - generally at least 3 or 4 on programs ranging from 
15 to 19 dances. Partly this is an appreciative response to our local musicians. 

A few years ago, the number of encores seemed to be getting out of hand, because 
the MCs were unable to distinguish whether enthusiastic applause was primarily a 
response to the music and thank-you to the musicians, or actually a request to 
repeat the dance. Someone, I'm not sure who, started the practice of holding up 
a hand with index finger extended to indicate a desire to repeat the dance. This 
has helped a great deal - one can applaud as vigorously as desired to commend 
wonderful musicianship on "The Birks of Invermay" without worrying that a 
confused MC will call for a repeat. The MC can simply scan the hall, count how 
many hands are raised, and proceed from there.

    -Alan Twhigg 
     Mt. View, CA      

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