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Reel of the 51st

Jan. 14, 2005, 11:15 a.m. (Message 40300, in reply to message 40295)

'The Reel'  #165, August 1983, devoted a double page spread to the Reel Of 
The 51st.  [I believe the same article had already appeared in New Zealand 
and in TACtalk.]   It contains a reproduction of the original handwritten 
notes.  They are difficult to read, but if you cannot obtain copies of the 
publications above, I will send a transcript as best I can.

BBC Scotland made a TV documentary on the dance many years ago.  In it the 
prisoners danced in  'tackety buits'.   How anthentic that was, I don't 
know, but you can imagine that not much in the way of  'steps'  was 
possible!   They used a scraping shuffle, which, as it was also the band, 
was extremely effective.

John M Sturrock
Cupar UK

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