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Re: Whirls in "The flight of the sandmartins"

March 26, 2007, 11:44 p.m. (Message 48326, in reply to message 48324)

Hi Andrea,
  I remember doing this for a SUSCDF Dem once - ironically, I think it
  was a Dundee one!  I'm sure there weren't any 'twiddles' involved.
  I can't remember for definite, but I think you start the reels with
  either the men or the ladies all in the centre.  Do you pass left
  shoulder and go to your left? (ie backwards Schiehallion reels)  The
  resultant passing (almost like a wheel without hands) might be
  referred to as a whirl?
  Hope that helps,
  Markinch, Fife

Andrea Re <> wrote:
  to those who have done this dance in the dim and distant past, in the so 
called "flight figure" the instructions read: "Men... (come) in to a 
quick left shoulder /whirl /with the other two men before 
continuing....". The way I see it, this "flight figure" is simply 
Schiehallion reels for 3, but what is this "whirl" thing? Is it a quick 
pass in the middle or is it a twirl in the middle before continuing?

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