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Re: The 51st Country Dance (Laufen Reel), also known as St Valery' s Reel

Aug. 1, 2005, 3:37 p.m. (Message 41843, in reply to message 41822)

This is a fascinating article. 

It's obvious that the Germans who ran the Oflag did not understand
Scottish culture, in that they allowed a dance that prominently
features the saltire--a Scottish patriotic symbol--and concludes with
a victory circle to be created under their noses.

I also find of interest the description of  how  "The Reel of the 51st
Division"  found its way to Scotland, where it becane popular during
the remainder of WWII.

Larry Orr

La habra, Calif.

-------------- Original message from Anselm Lingnau
<>: --------------

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