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Anselm Lingnau

Anselm Lingnau

Re: The 51st Country Dance (Laufen Reel), also known as St Valery' s Reel

Aug. 1, 2005, 10:28 a.m. (Message 41842, in reply to message 41822) wrote:

> I've never heard this dance called "Laufen Reel" or "St. Valery's Reel."
> The original choreographers were probably held at Oflag VII-C, a POW camp
> for officers, at Laufen, Bavaria, following the debacle at St.
> Valery-en-Caux in 1940.

The dance was originally called »The 51st Country Dance (Laufen Reel)« and 
went through a succession of monikers (including »The St Valéry Reel«) before 
acquiring today's title.

I wrote up some notes on the history of the Reel of the 51st Divison at

The information comes from earlier Strathspey postings (most notably from 
Harry Ways and Alan Mair) as well as other web pages.

Regarding John Clark's query, I don't think that the original 51st Country 
Dance used the couples-1-and-3-start method, the approach having fallen into 
disuse. It is fairly straightforward to modify the Reel of the 51st 
Division's choreography for a 5-couple dance, Black-Mountain-Reel style, with 
1s and 3s starting simultaneously, but of course 1st couple will only dance 
twice through (once from 1st place, once from 3rd place).

Anselm Lingnau, Frankfurt, Germany .....................
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