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Anselm Lingnau

Anselm Lingnau

Re: The 51st Country Dance (Laufen Reel), also known as St Valery' s Reel

Aug. 2, 2005, 1:07 a.m. (Message 41850, in reply to message 41822) wrote:

> A dance instructor once explained to me that a circle figure often
> symbolizes a celebration of  victory, success, etc. A quickie Internet
> search indicates that circular figures in dances have been used in many
> cultures to celebrate victory over an enemy, probably since prehistoric
> times.

This sounds eminently plausible in the general case, but my take on this is 
that many country dances (not just the Reel of the 51st) end with a circle 
not because some victory or success needs to be celebrated but because it is 
a simple, exuberant figure that gives the set a great sense of 

But then again, maybe that in itself *is* a success to be celebrated?

Anselm Lingnau, Frankfurt, Germany .....................
There's no workman, whatsoever he be/That may both work well and hastily.
                                                           -- Geoffrey Chaucer

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