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Hugh Foss and Bletchley Park

Jonathan Wilson

Jonathan Wilson

June 16, 2001, 6:34 p.m. (Message 26362)

I've just found this, I know it is a little late, but better than never.


PICNIC DANCE   Featuring Hugh Foss dances on Sunday 24th June 2001 2pm until
5pm at
STA TION  X -  Bletchley Park, Milton Keynes.

Hoopers Jig                                         Thrums Cairn*
J.B Milne*                                             Mrs Stewart'sJig
The.Gentleman                                   Golden Wedding Strathspey
Reel of the Royal Scots                     Airie Bennan*
Fugal Fergus*                                     Montgomeries Rant

Reel of the 51st Division                    Wee Cooperof Fife*
Pelorous Jack                                      Follow me Home
John McAlpin*                                      Robertson Rant
Round Reel of Eight                          De'il Amang the Tailors
Roaring Jelly*                                       Polharrow Burn*

* By Hugh Foss
During the Second World War Hugh Foss worked at Bletchley Park, home to the
famous codebreakers, and the birthplace of modern computing.  Whilst there
he taught Scottish Countly Dancing and is now well known as a prolific
writer of Scottish Country Dances.
Bletchley Park, also known as STATION X, is today a heritage site full of
exhibitions and memorabilia and houses working examples of Enigma and other
coding machines.
Bring a picnic ( or you can buy refreshments) and join us for dancing on the
lawn in front of the Mansion, the centrepiece of  STATION X, to celebrate
the works of Hugh Foss.
 Your ticket gains you entry to the full site, so why not come early and
make a day of it?
KILTS and SASHES would look nice!
Wet weather alternative on site.                  Phone Jan on 01908 372595
Usual admission to Bletchley Park is £5.
A limited number of complimentary tickets are available for dancers.
Tickets, information and maps available from: -

Mrs Jan Jones
10 Corrigan Close
Milton Keynes
Tel: 01908-372595

Jonathan J. Wilson


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