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Ron Mackey

Ron Mackey

RE: Teaching - no guns

March 15, 2006, 2:02 a.m. (Message 44713)

> I totally agree with getting new dancers moving, enthused, and actively
> dancing without a "huge" or "laborious" technique session, initial.
> HOWEVER, I do believe that some aspect of the elegant style of this
> dancing, much of which comes from its precise footwork, should always be
> a part of each class.
> One if the reasons I believe this is that bad habits are very easily
> formed. I know that it is more difficult to break bad habits than it is
> to form good ones to begin with.
> Simon
> Vancouver

	Absolutely agree.  The problem starts when the 
sledgehammer is produced to crack the nut.   A little patient, gentle, 
subtle tapping is usually enough.

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