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RE: FW: FW: small favor: Arthur's Seat 31-32

Feb. 27, 2018, 2:37 a.m. (Message 69480, in reply to message 69478)

Dear Anselm, Hi All,

I am not surprised at Anselm's reply, but I beg to differ.

1.  The central aim of the RSCDS is to support SCD.  Nowhere does it say 
"Supporting SCD as long as people are dancing RSCDS dances".  Publishing 
dances is a [very useful] "service to dancers".  But why ever should the 
RSCDS - except by what is in my opinion a short-sighted tradition - limit its 
actions to its own dances only, in fact saying "RSCDS dances are more equal 
than others".  Just look at the "dance lists" on SCDDB and see how important 
non-RSCDS dances are in the SCD community.  The RSCDS should decide to support 
ALL SC dances as and when that is useful.

2.  When dances have different "variants" (often older dances), these are 
often equally "danceable", but it is decidedly disturbing when different 
"variants" coexist;  the dancers in a set may not discover their different 
traditions till in the dance itself.   it is wise for SCD groups to ask for 
advice on which variant to prefer, for if we all choose one variant, it 
improves joy for everyone, at no real loss.  The only place with the 
expertise, data sources and prestige to give such advice is the RSCDS.  If the 
Society does not help us for all such dances (not RSCDS dances only, I feel 
let down.

3.  We agree that the RSCDS should not "prescribe" or "act as authority".  I 
ask the Society to "give advice".  To me it is evident that such advice will 
be made in cooperation with any dancers who can contribute usefully (whether 
members or not).   The result is not "Only this is right" but "If we all do it 
this way, it will be the most joyful for everyone".

4.  I see no reason to fear "cans of worms".  If all discussants can join in, 
they will usually reach a joint preference.  But even if two versions become 
"common" (as for instance the Lsh and Rsh passes in Mairi's Wedding") it's 
better than nothing.

5.  We diagram and crib makers do our best.  Our cribs and diagrams on SCDDB 
should agree mutually.  That is what dancers get from the SCDDB downloads. 
But when (as often happens) organisers also make their own crib sheet, the 
dancers on the floor may be reading conflicting instructions.  That is only 

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