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Teaching the Englishman



March 15, 2006, 4:49 p.m. (Message 44722)

Hello Martin,

Why not ask HIM?

Like most people this Englishman may not be aware of what his own limbs are 
doing when dancing.  Could you perhaps tell him with tact that in step 
practise his

>  steps are quite satisfactory (not quite Nureyev, but just as good as I see
> on visits to GB) 

but that he does not manage to keep this up in his dancing?  That he 
manages the most important, which is 

> [to be] generally at the right place at the right time .

and then ask him if he wants to improve this with your help, or just to 
enjoy the dancing.  That you and the other dancers are equally happy with 
either, and very

> glad that he comes along regularly with enthusiasm and a friendly smile? 

As many have said: we should not have one measure for all.  I do not see 
why a teacher cannot agree with dancers individually to give them personal 
(off-the floor) feedback, at any level asked for.  

Could a video be of any help?  We all see all good and bad qualities of all 
the other dancers in our class, but never our own.  I would really love to 
see a video of our own class, so I could watch myself.  It would be the 
first time ever.

Happy dancing,


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