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July 31, 1997, 5:56 p.m. (Message 8383)


Can anyone advise me as to where I can obtain sheet music for
Drumelzier, the tune for the dance of the same name?   [Drumelzier
(Blair)  4x32 bar strathspey].  I'm afraid I don't know what "Blair" is


Cole Pavey
Mabely, Ontario, Canada K0H 2B0
McBride, Ann

McBride, Ann

July 31, 1997, 11:28 p.m. (Message 8396, in reply to message 8383)

Hi!    I do have a copy of the notes and music for Drumelzier at home
(my computer is in my office -)  -- No doubt you will a million replies
- but should you want me to mail (fax) you a copy of the sheet music, I
will be happy to.   The "Blair" is Jimmie Blair and I believe the music
was recorded on his "Highland Dance Party" record,  but has also been
recorded by the Tain SCD Band.

Ann McBride
Valerie L. Hill

Valerie L. Hill

Aug. 1, 1997, 2:31 a.m. (Message 8401, in reply to message 8383)

The sheet music for Drumelzier comes with the leaflet, available from
TAC:  "Hogmanay Jig/Drumelzier" , Two SCD's, devised by Christopher
Blair, music by Andrew Rankine.

Hope this helps,

Valerie L. Hill
Frederick, MD
Peter M. Price

Peter M. Price

Aug. 1, 1997, 3:22 a.m. (Message 8402, in reply to message 8383)

Drumelzier and Hogmanay Jig are from a leaflet from the Newcastle and District
Branch of the RSCDS published in 1967. Dances composed by Christopher Blair
music (of the same name as the dance), composed by Andrew Rankine.

	c/o John and Shirley Lanktree
	550 Dickinson Avenue
	Ottawa, Ontario
	K1V 7J4

Peter Price
New Haven, CT
The dancers are formed in two long ranks, facing each other, and the battle
opens with some light skirmishing between the pickets, which is gradually
resolved into a general engagement along the whole line; after that you have
nothing to do but stand by and grab every lady that drifts within reach of you,
and swing her. It is very entertaining, and elaborately scientific also.
Samuel Clemens,	1862
colin garrett

colin garrett

Aug. 1, 1997, 12:35 p.m. (Message 8409, in reply to message 8383)

The dance and music were published in 1967 by the Newcastle & District
Branch of the RSCDS (Price 2/6d).  The music was composed by Andrew

I doubt that I can e-mail it: but if you have access to a fax....

Colin Garrett


Aug. 1, 1997, 5:27 p.m. (Message 8411, in reply to message 8383)

> The dance and music were published in 1967 by the Newcastle & District
> Branch of the RSCDS (Price 2/6d).  The music was composed by Andrew
> Rankine.
> I doubt that I can e-mail it: but if you have access to a fax....
>Great! My fax number is 613-273-4204. Thank you very much.



Aug. 1, 1997, 5:27 p.m. (Message 8412, in reply to message 8383)

> Drumelzier and Hogmanay Jig are from a leaflet from the Newcastle and District
> Branch of the RSCDS published in 1967. Dances composed by Christopher Blair
> music (of the same name as the dance), composed by Andrew Rankine.
>         Try TACBOOKS.

Thank you. A number of people told me the source of the tune, but I was
unaware it was available from TAC.  I have the TACBOOKS catalogue and I
glanced through it but, since all I knew was the name Blair, I did not
get too far.  Have now found it under H in the Selected Leaflets.

Is the following quotation you sent a description SCD in general or of a
specific dance?



Aug. 1, 1997, 5:27 p.m. (Message 8413, in reply to message 8383)

> The sheet music for Drumelzier comes with the leaflet, available from
> TAC:  "Hogmanay Jig/Drumelzier" , Two SCD's, devised by Christopher
> Blair, music by Andrew Rankine.
> Hope this helps,
>Yes, it does. Have found it in the catalogue.  I looked for
Drumelzier before in that list of Selected Leaflets and did not, of
course, find it.




Aug. 1, 1997, 6:02 p.m. (Message 8414, in reply to message 8383)

Sorry, guys. I inadvertently sent a couple of individual replies via the
Peter M. Price

Peter M. Price

Aug. 3, 1997, 10:11 p.m. (Message 8441, in reply to message 8383)

The quote is from _The Territoriial Enterprise_ Virginaia City, Nevada c.1862. I
believe this to be a newspaper and describes a social, It, unfor- tunately, has
nothing to do with Scottish dance but it does sound good.

>>The dancers are formed in two long ranks, facing each other, and the battle
opens with some light skirmishing between the pickets, which is gradually
resolved into a general engagement along the whole line; after that you have
nothing to do but stand by and grab every lady that drifts within reach of you,
and swing her. It is very entertaining, and elaborately scientific also.
Samuel Clemens,	1862             

Peter Price
New Haven, Ct
Men sometimes need little reminders. Many's a time when I tied a string around a
man's finger to help him remember his way home, and every now and then a loaded
pistol does wonders to restore a man's memory of good manners toward women.
							Louise Ballcot
Alan Paterson

Alan Paterson

Aug. 11, 1997, 11:03 a.m. (Message 8496, in reply to message 8383)

Oh dear! My information regarding Drumelzier (note how I have avoided 
computer-ese such as database :-) tells me that "Blair" as devisor of this 
dance is "Blair, Christopher" not (as Ann McBride has stated) "Blair, Jimmy".

No idea where this came from on my side, but I am open for correction. So who 
can say for certain what is correct?

Andrew Patterson

Andrew Patterson

Aug. 12, 1997, 12:32 a.m. (Message 8504, in reply to message 8383)

In-Reply-To: <xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.x@xxxxxxx.xx>
Hi Alan

Definitely Christopher Blair. Drumelzier and Hogmanay Jig were 
published by the Newcastle Branch way back in 1967. Andrew Rankine 
wrote the name tunes for them.

PS Pleased to meet you up at St. Andrews, if only for an hour or so, 
and see a demo of your database.

Andy  London(UK)

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