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Re: Why SCD doesn't attract the young - was Re: Ask and Ye shall receive - Perhaps!

May 10, 2006, 8:06 p.m. (Message 45219, in reply to message 45218)

Andrew C Aitchison wrote:
> On Wed, 10 May 2006, Martin Sheffield wrote:
> > ... a recording dating from the 40s & 50s, when dancers 
> > apparently had more energy than they do today.
> I'm not familiar with recordings from that time, but I'm convinced that 
> this plays a part in why SCD has (some) problems attracting the young.
Even if we manage to attract the young, I am quite certain we won't keep 
them with 8x32-bar speys that last 8m, 30 secs,  even 9 m.
> ... I've heard that it was common to speed them up to fit onto a 78.
I danced with J Shand live once or twice and remember it being an 
exhausting affair -- and I was still a teenager!
> Even when LPs came out, I remember that the usual length for 8x32 R was 4 m 20 secs.
Today, these dances are being recorded at nearer 4m 50.
Exceptions are R Whitehead, who clearly intends us to put energy into 
our dancing, and I MacPhail who is capable of anything.

I wonder if the American bands are playing slower than the Brits -- and 
influencing certain musicians that have spent too much time in the 
States ...

who often speeds up his CDs when making copies (for his own private use 
of course)
in almost bandless France.

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