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Thomas G. Mungall, III

Thomas G. Mungall, III

Re: Instruction and music for the "Irish Washerwoman."

April 18, 2006, 5:05 p.m. (Message 45075, in reply to message 45072)


We do this dance in our "vintage class", however, for the life of me I
cannot remember exactly how the dance goes. It is danced in a longwise set.
I'll ask tonight and try to get all of it down and post it here.

What I remember is as follows: first all couples count off 1, 2, 1, 2, etc.
All men and women cross sideways across the set using Irish side steps, step
forward and back, cross back to own side, step up and back. #1s chasse
sideways downs the set for four counts, then back and cast off around the
#2s who step up. #1s rights and lefts and repeat having passed a couple.
Well it is something like that and ya'll get the general idea.

Tom Mungall
Baton Rouge, La, USA

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