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Lydia Hedge

Lydia Hedge

MacNab Dances in diagrams

April 1, 2006, 11:19 a.m. (Message 44942)

Hello all,

I have just received a "proof" copy of "The MacNab Dances in diagrams" 
from the author of the diagrams - Angus Henry (Australia).

What a massive effort he has expended!! It is 14 pages of (rather larger 
than normal) Pilling like diagrams. Easy to read and accurate (as far as I can 
tell - I am not familiar with ALL of the dances). A quick way to refresh your 
memory on these (often complex) dances.

It contains detailed diagrammatic representations of the 27 dances collected 
by Mary Isdale MacNab and published by the RSCDS in "Scottish Dances" 
Volumes I and II plus two other dances published earlier in the RSCDS 
leaflet sets "Traditional Scottish Dances".

My original understanding was that the RSCDS was going to take Angus' 
idea and fly with it, but I have heard no more about it, so I am really pleased 
to have a proof copy for the interim. It would be good to know when (and if) 
HQ is planning to publish this booklet (or one like it). 

I think many dancers and teachers (especially, because of the extra 
notations to help them) would benefit from these diagrams.

Well done, Angus!! And thank you.


Lydia Hedge
Nova Scotia, Canada

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