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Re: Teaching and guns (was: Where are the RSCDS???)

March 14, 2006, 5:29 p.m. (Message 44705, in reply to message 44667)

> I agree with Andrea.  Footwork IS important, it IS easy to learn (if you
bother to), and should be emphasized.  There's nothing worse than watching a
demo team with sloppy footwork: toes pointed skyward, off-beat, shuffling
(noisy) and out of sync with others.   Conversely, nothing looks better than a
group of people smartly keeping time to the music with neat footwork.  I do not
enjoy watching  'galloping horses,' 'chimpancers' slugs or snails (except for
those physically unable to lift their feet properly, who are actually few and
far between).  

After all, it's just as easy to dance 'correctly' than sloppily.  It's all
in IF want to do it correctly, and how much you care.

Margaret Sarna

Sorry, I would have replied earlier, but I was busy oiling and loading

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