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Re: Difference Between Briefing a dance and Recapping a Dance

March 7, 2006, 5:49 p.m. (Message 44526, in reply to message 44508)

>The answer is:   Because presumably not everyone is local thus hasn't had the
luxury of practicing those dances exclusively for weeks ahead of time.  If
Branches want non-locals to attend events, they must take them into
consideration.   If they don't want to 'waste valuable time' briefing or walking
dances for the benefit of non-locals, then they shouldn't promote the event via
flyers mailed to other branches, on their websites, handouts on tables at other
balls, etc.  You can't have it both ways:   You either earn your Branch some
income off out-of-towners--in which case you must consider them--or you don't.

Margaret Sarna

Thanks for the explanation. It makes me wonder, however, why you feel the

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