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Alexandre Rafalovitch

Alexandre Rafalovitch

Modern technology in preparation for the prelim?

Feb. 6, 2006, 1:57 a.m. (Message 44151)


Is anybody (or anybody in your class) preparing for the Preliminary
Examination, part 1? And if so, what modern tools and techniques are
helpful for that? I would be curious to hear suggestions and opinions,
in part because I am sitting exactly that exam in 2 weeks, but also
because there must be better ways to learn than staring at the page
trying to inhale the difference between Allemande for 3 and Allemande
for 4 couples.

At the moment, I am using electronic flashcards for at least part of
the preparations. They are publicly available in case somebody is
interested or wants to comment. Details are in my blog at:


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