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Anselm Lingnau

Anselm Lingnau

Re: curious

Feb. 3, 2006, 1:50 p.m. (Message 44097, in reply to message 44093)

Sophie Rickebusch wrote:

> That's what I meant, although obviously I didn't explain it very well. In
> my case they're called "unnamed". They're not attachments in the real sense
> (ie. something the sender attached), it's just the way some messages (HTML
> ones?) appear in some mail applications.

Looking at the last few messages I noticed the following: Mailman seems to 
want to append the »link« trailer to the message using a particular character 
encoding (ISO-8859-1, to be exact). If the message is already using that 
encoding to start with (as mine do), it is simply appended to the original 
message body, but if the message's encoding is different (say, »us-ascii«), 
the trailer goes in as an attachment. This is sensible, from one point of 
view; from another point of view it is stupid because nothing in the trailer 
actually requires the national characters in ISO-8859-1.

>From a third point of view, the trailer is no use, anyway, and an utter waste 
of bandwidth to boot, so I've turned it off in the list configuration. Should 
have done that a year ago, actually. Let's see how things turn out now.

> If I'm in doubt about a message 
> and can't view the source (my provider's web-application won't let me), I
> usually go and check if it's in the latest postings on the strathspey
> homepage.

Good strategy.

Anselm Lingnau, Frankfurt, Germany .....................
Martyrdom is the only way in which a man can become famous without ability.
                                                        -- George Bernard Shaw

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