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Lara D. Friedman~Shedlov

Lara D. Friedman~Shedlov

Re: Lead up - which hand?

Nov. 1, 2001, 8:22 p.m. (Message 28013, in reply to message 28008)

Quoting Alan Paterson <xxxxx@xxxxxxx.xx>:

> > I've always thought tradition is the way it is done, and since our
> > tradition is kept alive by teachers, and teachers like rules, we
> > have a rule driven tradition.
> "Teachers like Rules" oh dear. Any of the teachers out there have
> anything to say to counter this somewhat sweeping generalisation? :-)

Actually, I've found it is the students who like rules, even more than 
the teacher.  As a teacher, I'm always being asked for rules on things 
like the exact phrasing of a formation ("so on bar 13.3, I should be 
here, right?) or handing ("Who gives hands up when you have a line of 4 
dancers, and all of them are women?").  It seems to be very difficult 
for some people to accept that every contingency has not been accounted 
for, and there are times when you just have to figure it out on your 
own and do whatever works!

--Lara Friedman-Shedlov
Minneapolis, MN  USA

Lara Friedman-Shedlov

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